I bought Charlie a toolbox with a bunch of tools for Christmas this year. I got him some screwdrivers, a pair of safety goggles, a tape measure, a couple pair of pliers, a little level, an LED flashlight, a toolbox and a combination lock to keep it all safe!
When I was checking out, the clerk commented, “Boy, you’re buying quite a bit of hardware today.”
“Yeah, I decided to buy a few tools for my 8 year old this year. He loves helping around the house.”
After I said this, the clerk made a strange face, got quiet and just kept ringing up my items. I was beginning to think this guy was kind of a jerk until he finally said, “So, you’re buying your son an electric staple gun?”
“No no no, that’s for ME!”
I can only imagine what would happen if Charlie got hold of an electric staple gun! You’d be able to turn my house upside down and nothing would move. Ikes.