One of my biggest issues with blogging is that the posts that you write are really only seen for a week or two, then they fade into obscurity. Sure, some of the content is found by people through search engines, but for the most part they are only seen if someone goes looking for them. I don’t see many people read any further than the front page, which is about 10 posts.
That’s why I kinda like this WordPress plugin I ran across. It brings up some of those old posts back as either random posts at the end of a current post, or as a list of posts that are considered to be of related content.
We’ll see how well it works, but for anyone else interested in it, here are the details.
The plugin is: WordPress 2.3 Related Posts
Download it from
Or you can visit the site of the guy that wrote it:
Click here for the direct download from WordPress.
Here are the installation instructions:
1. Upload the WP23RP folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
3. Place <?php wp23_related_posts(); ?> in your templates
4. Navigate to Manage Panel > Option > WP23 Related Posts to configure plugin output.
I installed mine onto my K2 theme, so I had to insert the <?php wp23_related_posts(); ?> into the file named “theloop.php” located in the K2 directory under the themes directory. I inserted the code onto line 140 just after this line:
<?php the_content(sprintf(__(‘Continue reading \’%s\”, ‘k2_domain’), the_title(”, ”, false))); ?>
After that, just login to your control panel and play with the WP23 Related Posts option under the options tab.